Hi! My name is David. I learned to cut grass last year, and in the same season, I started mowing my lawn at home. This year (2016) my Dad gave me the idea of asking our neighbors if they would let me mow their lawns…for money. My Dad and I sat down and really started thinking about how I could do this as, like, my own little business, and I liked the idea very much. We went over what I would say to my neighbors and how much I would charge.
After I was able to get some of my neighbors to say yes, I start to build, what my Dad calls, “my customer base”. I started to get calls from neighbors who at first said “no”, and asking me if I could mow their lawns “just the one time” – I really like when that happens. Some neighbors have even asked me to walk their dogs, and even water their gardens when they’re out of town.
I have stayed pretty busy on the weekends and that is pretty cool, because I’m able to put my money in the bank - although, I do like to treat my family out to pizza. Oh, I also saved enough money to buy my very own riding lawnmower!
Once my dad saw that I was really working hard at my business, we sat down to really think hard about what I wanted to do with my “little business”. That’s when Grassycuts was born. I used to have my cards say PerfectCut, but we decided to get creative. Now, I have new business cards and my own website, along with Facebook and stuff!
Thank you for checking out my page!!
P.S. I would love to mow your lawn, if you’re in my neighborhood (I am expanding soon). Just go to my contact page, and I will reasponed as soon as I can :)
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